
Day trip from fes to Chefchaouen


overview : Day trip from fes to Chefchaouen

Day trip from fes to Chefchaouen and Rif Mountains. On our day trip from Fes to Chefchaouen, we’ll start the day with breakfast at your Riad or hotel. Then, we’ll head north to learn about a completely different culture and way of life in Fes.

Chechaouen is at the base of the Rif Mountains, which are called the Chaouen Horns because of their shape. It was built in 1471 as a small fortress by Moulay Ali Ben Moussa, a direct grandson of the Prophet Mohammed. Chefchaouen became free in 1956, and Spain took control of it.

Because of its typical buildings, it is called “Blue City.” Find out about the white and blue-washed walls of the medina and the shops where you can buy unique crafts made by local people.

Chefchaouen is on the old way to Larache. The Spanish built a Mosque that is no longer used, but the tower is still there. On the way back to Fes, you will have a beautiful view of the Rif Mountains.

What's included and excluded in Day trip from fes to Chefchaouen

Includes :

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