
1 Day trip From Marrakech Ouarzazate


overview : 1 Day trip From Marrakech Ouarzazate

1 Day Trip From Marrakech To Ouarzazate, The Tizi N’Tichka pass (7,415ft), which is the highest point in North Africa, is a great place to see beautiful scenery. Find out about a unique area where the different scenery are stunning and beautiful. We will stop and go to Ait Ben Haddou Kasbah, a famous protected city.

It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and many movies have been shot there. We’ll also take a walk of the city of Ouarzazate, whose name comes from the Berber word for “no noise.” Visit the Taourirt and Tiffoultoute Kasbahs, which were once Glaoui’s (the Old Pacha of Marrakech) homes. After that, we’ll have lunch at a nearby diner and then head back to Marrakech.

What's included and excluded in 1 Day trip From Marrakech Ouarzazate

Includes :

Excludes :

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